Ad Hoc Solid Waste Committee

The following are members of the Ad Hoc Solid Waste Committee:


Name Email Address Term Expires
Leila Bisharat 2027
Mary Cushman 2027
Dale Ross 2027

Eliza Jane Adams

click on an email address to send an individual email  
OR click here to send one email to all committee members
Please report any problems or discrepancies to Thank you very much.
To Look at the entire Solid Waste Facility (Transfer Station, Wood Dump, Recycling, etc.)
3-5 Members of the public at large
Full time/part time employees
1 selectperson member (non-voting)
Tasks/Recommendations on how to improve (to include but not limited to):
• Traffic Flow
• Safety
• Capacity
• Wood Dump
• Future Needs
• Day to day functions (fee collecting, barging, etc.)
• Fee structure
• Policies
• Solid Waste Ordinance
Committee is expected to update on work progress at Selectboard or Town Administrators request.
Recommendations should be in written form and presented at public meetings with a cost estimate or approximate cost of improvement.
Committee will have no monies; any expenditures will have to be requested to the Board of Selectpersons at a public meeting.
Adopted; December 21, 2022