Ad Hoc Solid Waste Committee
To Look at the entire Solid Waste Facility (Transfer Station, Wood Dump, Recycling, etc.)
3-5 Members of the public at large
Full time/part time employees
1 selectperson member (non-voting)
Tasks/Recommendations on how to improve (to include but not limited to):
• Traffic Flow
• Safety
• Capacity
• Wood Dump
• Future Needs
• Day to day functions (fee collecting, barging, etc.)
• Fee structure
• Policies
• Solid Waste Ordinance
Committee is expected to update on work progress at Selectboard or Town Administrators request.
Recommendations should be in written form and presented at public meetings with a cost estimate or approximate cost of improvement.
Committee will have no monies; any expenditures will have to be requested to the Board of Selectpersons at a public meeting.
Adopted; December 21, 2022