The Town of Chebeague Needs You!
The Town of Chebeague Island needs you! Did you know? The Town of Chebeague Island has 14 boards/committees that contribute to the smooth operation of the town. This community input and involvement is so valuable, and everyone is needed to make a difference. At last count, there are 63 seats filled by residents and seasonal residents (counting duplicates).
Currently, two boards have three members and to effectively run, they need a full slate of five members. One committee (perhaps you are interested in year-round housing??) has five openings. If you have not served on a board before, the current board members will be glad to answer questions and support members who are new to the process.
The role of the Planning Board is to consider growth, protection and development on Chebeague, and look at regulations and zoning laws for all proposed projects. There is a Comprehensive Plan document that helps to guide decisions, and this link will take you to that page. Planning Board
The Board of Adjustments and Appeals considers appeals to the zoning ordinances. Think this sounds tricky? The three current members are experienced in the process, making a “novice” a welcomed addition to the group. The board only meets when necessary, so the time commitment can vary. This is an important committee for protecting the intentions of the zoning regulations…which protect our island! Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Interested in helping develop a plan for sustainable housing? There is a one-year Ad Hoc Chebeague Housing Committee, charged with developing a plan to encourage and protect year-round residential housing opportunities, for ownership and rentals. This committee has five seats available, and the work will begin as soon as the spots are filled. Ad Hoc Housing Committee
If you are ready to serve, you must fill out the Board and Committee application and submit it to the town office. Your application will then be provided to the Select Board for approval. You can contact a Select Board member through this link: Select Board
The application is available online or fill out a paper copy at the Town Office: Board & Committee Application