CAT Charge

PURPOSE: The purpose of the Climate Action Team is to coordinate planning, implementation, and monitoring of energy and resilience initiatives associated with the Town’s participation in the Community Resilience Partnership. 
MEMBERSHIP:  The town is seeking community members interested in participating in a comprehensive climate-resiliency planning effort for Chebeague.  It is anticipated that the Climate Action Team will meet for 12 to 24 months to oversee the work associated with the Town’s participation on the Maine’s Climate Resiliency Partnership (CRP).  The CAT may continue beyond this timeframe following a review by the Board of Selectmen.
  •          One member of the Board of Selectman or the Town Administrator (non-voting) 
  •          Up to five members of the public at large
  •          Up to two Chebeague Island students enrolled in grades 9-12 or post-secondary education
A quorum will be the majority of the voting members.
TASKS:  The town has applied for a Community Resilience Partnership Community Action Grant (CRP Grant).  If the town is awarded a CRP grant, the Climate Action Team will provide input and guidance on the implementation of the grant tasks.  These tasks include:
  •          A Groundwater Sustainability Study
  •          A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
  •          A Climate Vulnerability Study
Grant funds will be used to engage qualified consultants to complete the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and the Community Vulnerability Study . The Climate Action Team will be responsible for:
  1.       Consultant Evaluation and Recommendations:  The CAT will review qualifications or proposals submitted by consultants. The CAT will evaluate and make recommendations to the BOS on the best consultant(s) to complete the relevant project tasks.
  1.       Acquisition of Local Data: The CAT will assist to the consultant project team with local data gathering efforts.
  1.       Public Outreach: the CAT will prepare mailings and online updates on Town website and in monthly community newsletter on project and solicit community input through meetings, surveys, and discussions.
  2.       Report Review:  The CAT will review and provide comments on the Draft GHG Inventory and the Climate Vulnerability Study.  The consultant(s) will prepare the  final reports for the project.
  1.       Training: The CAT, along with other community members, will participate in the GMRI/Island institute Climate Resiliency Training - Planning Forward.
  1.       If a CRP Grant is not awarded to Chebeague in 2022, the CAT will prepare a grant application for the next grant deadline.
In addition to the CRP grant-specific tasks the CAT may:
  •          Research, identify and with BOS approval, prepare applications for climate resiliency related grants from the CRP  or other entities.
  •          Prepare and distribute educational materials related to climate resiliency issues and initiatives.
  •          Organize and promote seminars and workshops on Climate-related topics of interest to the community.
  •          Serve as resource to Town staff and the BOS on climate-related issues.