ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Ordinance Info 06/04/2011

The Ordinance Review Committee has been at work since it was formed on 6/30/2010. The ordinance review committee has five warrant articles being considered for inclusion in the Annual Town Meeting on 6/4/2011.These include but may not be limited to:

  • Capital Planning and Finance Committee – to form a new committee
  • Road Plan Committee – to form a new committee
  • Licenses & Permits – to repeal an ordinance adopted by reference
  • Amend Selectmen’s Ordinance – to allow central, Selectmen Fee Schedule.
  • Solid Waste Facility Ordinance – to replace an ordinance adopted by reference
The Board also assisted in passing three ordinances since June 2010.

The committee has several more 'in the pipe' that the Board may wish to pursue after the Town Meeting.