Marriage Licenses

Information about getting married on Chebeague Island
 It takes a while to do all the paperwork

Kindly call ahead and make an appointment

(207) 846-3148



  • Congratulations!! The first step in obtaining a marriage license is to have the marriage intentions recorded in writing. Both parties must sign the intentions, stating they are free to marry. There is a $40.00 fee to obtain a marriage license. 
  • If either of the parties are residents of Maine, they must file their intentions at the municipal office in the town or city in which one of them resides.
  • If only one party to the marriage resides in Maine and the other party resides outside the state of Maine, then both parties must file their intentions at the municipal office in the town/city where the resident lives.
  • If neither one of the parties is a resident of Maine, they must file intentions, but may file in any municipal clerk’s office. Once the intentions are filed and the license is issued, the parties are free to marry anywhere within the State.
If either party has been married before and are divorced or widowed, a certified copy of documentation showing how the last marriage ended is required.
If a resident of this state:
❖ A justice or judge;
❖ A lawyer admitted to the Maine Bar;
❖ A notary public; and
Whether a resident or nonresident of the state and whether or not a citizen of the United States:
❖ An ordained minister of the gospel;
❖ A cleric engaged in the service of the religious body to which the cleric belongs; or
❖ A person licensed to preach by an association of ministers, religious seminary or ecclesiastical body.
If a nonresident of the State of Maine:
❖ A nonresident of Maine who has a temporary registration certificate issued by the Maine CDC Vital Records Office.
After the marriage ceremony has taken place, the person who performed the ceremony is responsible for completing the ceremony section of the marriage license. This includes obtaining signatures of two (2) witnesses and the signature of the officiant. The person performing the ceremony (officiant) CANNOT be one of the two witnesses to the ceremony. THE MARRIAGE LICENSE MUST BE COMPLETED IN BLACK INK ONLY!! Once the ceremony has taken place and the ceremony section has been completed, the officiant is then responsible for filing the license(s) with the municipal clerks at the municipality where the license was issued within 7 days. *If a Maine resident goes to another state to get married to avoid Maine requirements, or if a nonresident comes to Maine to avoid the requirements of his/her state of residence, the marriage is considered to be null and void.