Facilities Committee

Adopted February 17, 2021

Building facilities Committee was adopted February 17, 2021 by the Selectboard to evaluate the current municipal spaces assigned to Administration and Emergency Services and make recommendations re: short term (less than 5 years) and long-term for the next 10- 25 years of Administration, EMS, and Public Safety as how to meet the Town’s needs and State requirements.  


  • Meetings to solicit public input will be held throughout the process Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and present it to the Board of Selectmen by March 1, 2022
  • Make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen regarding a process to determine the elements of a plan to meet the Community’s short-term and long term needs. Determine the short and long term needs vs wants with public input
  • Prepare a plan to meet those needs with input from the public and Board of Selectmen
  • Estimate the cost of the plan/s
  • Present a report to the Board of Selectmen outlining the needs, ways those needs will be met, and associated costs

The current members are:

Name Email Address Term Expiration
 Ex-Officio Robert Earnes  
Christopher Loder chris@loder.com  
Ralph Munroe lidamegan@msn.com  
Viktoria Wood townadmin@townofchebeagueisland.org  
David Brunner david@brunnerarchitects.com  
Martha Hamilton-Doughty islandmayq@hotmail.com  
Beth Putnam  blputnam22@gmail.com  

Click on an email address to send an individual email 

Please report any problems or discrepancies to Clerk@townofchebeagueisland.org   Thank you very much.


The Facilities Committee will meet as needed at the Town Office. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.