Code Enforcement

 Code Enforcement Officer
207-846-3148 (office)
207-630-8256 (cell)
Paul Demers  
In office hours: Wednesdays 8:30am-3:30pm

The Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for issuing building, plumbing and electrical permits for the Town of Chebeague Island. He is also responsible for determining compliance under the Town of Chebeague Island Zoning Ordinance.


The Town of Chebeague is happy to announce the implementation of a new Code Enforcement Software program that was implemented last winter. We now have an online permitting portal for residents to submit building permit applications. This will allow for an expansion of services to many individuals who can't always make it into the office. We are aiming to improve customer service, and this is our first step in improving the "ease of doing business" on the island.



(This includes all Board of Adjustment, Building, Electrical, Dock, Growth, Internal Plumbing, Planning Board, Subsurface, Shoreland Zoning, Tree Removal) 

- "Property Search" and "Contractor" fields do not need to be entered to submit the permit.
- As you enter into the online process, a drop-down menu will provide "Permit Type" options.
- Required information is noted by a red asterisk*


Permit Status 4/19-6/27/24

Permit Status 7/1/24-7/31/24


Zoning Ordinance 6/8/24

Floodplain Management Ordinance 6/8/24

Growth Ordinance 8/10/23

PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) Ordinance 2/12/11

Shoreland Zoning Ordinance 8/10/23

Subdivision Ordinance 7/1/07

Official Zoning Map Adopted 2019

Fines and Fees


 *Please only use paper forms if you don't have computer access

Permit and Application Forms  




Current Fiscal Year Monthly Reports