Ad Hoc Housing Committee
Town of Chebeague Island, Maine
Sustainable housing opportunities for year-round, full-time residents are increasingly limited, creating the need for a comprehensive response to develop and support a vibrant year-round community. Housing opportunities for residents are a priority for the community of Chebeague Island, which is reflected in the Comprehensive Plan. In December 2024, the Select Board voted to form a Task Force to research and review housing initiatives across similar communities and prepare recommendations for a pathway offering solutions which support year-round housing opportunities for the community Chebeague Island.
Purpose: The Ad Hoc Housing Committee will develop recommendations for a roadmap for housing solutions to meet the unique needs of the island. These solutions will prioritize a long-range impact designed to strengthen year-round residential housing opportunities. These recommendations will be developed through multiple pathways of community input, researching housing models on island and coastal communities, investigating financial opportunities offered by Maine State Housing and other housing initiatives, and the zoning/regulatory rules of the Town of Chebeague Island (TOCI).
Membership: The TOCI is seeking community members interested in participating in the Committee with the task of developing the recommendations for a comprehensive housing plan.
Membership will include:- One member of the Select Board (non-voting)
- Town Administrator (non-voting – may not attend meetings but should be in communication loop)
- One member representing CICA (Chebeague Island Community Association)
- Four representatives of both year-round and seasonal residents
The quorum will be 3 voting members.
Duration: The duration is expected to be one year from the initial meeting to present recommendations to the Select Board for the next phase to begin implementing them.
Anticipated Tasks and Timeline:
Months 1-3:
- Historical overview of efforts to date
- Create a vision statement
- Identify an ambitious vision which will best serve the community
Months 4-6
- Assess community input
- Research models for housing on islands and coastal communities
- Research TOCI zoning and regulatory guidelines
- Identify and engage input from resources from GPCOG, Island Institute, Maine Housing, Genesis Fund, and other potential assets
- Identify potential grants and financial resources
Months 7-9
- Phase 1 of a draft plan
- Outreach to the community for input, including revisions and refinements of the plan
Months 9-10
- Phase 2 of draft plan
- Identify financial and regulatory challenges to the plan and identify potential solutions
- Continued outreach to the community for input
Month 11-12
- Develop a definitive version of the plan
- Present the plan to the community and Select Board